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Born in 1988 in Loznica, Serbia
During his education in the middle ballet school “Lui Davico“ he
was pointed out as one of the most talented students, therefore
he got a scholarship in the prestigious Ballet Acadamy in Zurich.
After his return from Zurich he graduated from “Lui Davico”.
Since 2009 he has been a steady member of the National Theatre
in Belgrade, Serbia and a member of the Bitef Dance Company,
at the same time.
As a solo dancer of the National Theathre in Belgrade, Serbia he
performed in the following ballet shows: “Sleeping Beauty”,
“Swan Lake”, “Gisele”, “Don Quixote”, “Tinted Blood”, ”
The Taming of the Shrew”.
He performed solo acts in the following ballets: “Interval”
Zoran Markovic & Masa Kolar, “Viva la Vida!” Aleksandar Ilic,,
“Ko to tamo peva” Stasa Zurovac, “Six Dances” Jiri Kylian,
“The Lady of the Camellias” Lidija Pilipenko. “Adrijana Lakuvrer”
Vladimir Logunov, “Lisabonska priča” Aleksandar Ilić
“The Damned Yard” Dana Ruttenberg
In the Bitef Dance Company he performed in the following ballets and dramas:
„Loved one“ Kjersti Muller Sandsto , “Otelo” Zoran Marković & Maša Kolar, “The Divine Comedy” Edward Clug, “Alpha Boys” Guy Weizman, “Shakespeare’s Sonnets” Dunja Jocić/ Leo Mujić, “Captain John Peoplefox” Isidora Stanišić, “If we would all keep quiet” Snježana Abramović,”Yesterday” Jasmin Vardimon “Maja and I and Maja” Anja Suša, “Bent” Andrej Nosov,“Wishing Mashines”Isidora Stanišić “Don Juan” Maša Kolar “Birds” Edward Clug
Awards and acknowledgments
On the International ballet competition in Berlin 2005, Germany he won the third place in a contemporary duet and the very same year in Cesena- Italy he won the first place for a solo performance choreography made by Katarina Stojkov. In years before he was a multiple state champion in several ballroom dance styles, and modern ballet in the Serbian Dance Association.
In 2008 he confirmed his title of the state champion and thus got qualified to go on the World Dance Sho-w competition in Riesa, Germany where he represented Serbia.
As a choreographer in 2012 on a Dance Fest in Novi Sad-Serbia he won the first place in the category of modern ballet.
He won a prize for the best young performer of art in Serbia for 2012 year.
Same year he began with a pedagogical work as a theacher of Contemporary dance in the Dance School “Ris”.
2014 he achieved a great success with his students with a dance performance “Family Portrait” in Bitef Theatre for which he did the choreography and production.
2014 successfully started leading workshops/seminars of contemporary dance all over the Balkan and Europe (Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Romania, Poland, Czech Republic etc), including USA/New “York Circuit Debris” company
2015 started working in NFI “National Foundation for dance – Aja Jung” as a professor of contemporary dance.
2015 started working as a choreographer/producer on his first professional performance called “Dunjaluk” in co-production with Bitef theatre/Bitef Dance Company.
Same year started to work in National Theatre in Maribor/Slovenia, as an assistant of Edward Clugs modern ballet production called “Peer Gynt” where he took place as a leading role dancer.
2016 started working on the production called “The Stranger” along with international dancers in co-production with “National Foundation for dance” Aja Jung and “Hartefact fund” Andrej Nosov.
2016 started working on Edward Clug’s production “Peer Gynt” as his assistant in “ Latvian National Opera” in Riga.
2016 as a choreographer he won the most prestigious ballet award “Dimitrije Parlic” for the best performance “Dunjaluk” in 2015/16 season nominated by “Association of Ballet Artists of Serbia”
2017 started working on Edward Clug’s production “Peer Gynt” as his assistant in “Novosibirsk state opera and ballet” in Novosibirsk/Russia.
Same year started to work also as an assistant of Edward Clug on “Peer Gynt” performance in”Wiener Staatsoper” Vienna/Austria
2017 started working as a choreographer/producer on performance called “Macbeth” in co-production with Bitef theatre and Bitef Dance Company.
Same year with “Macbeth” wins the “Special award“ for the best artistic achievement on the international “Purgatorije” festival in Tivat/Montenegro.

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